Sunday 11 December 2016

Fight Club, book review. (Chuck Palahniuk)

Seen the film? Of course you have. Read the book? Maybe you have maybe you haven't, but the first rule about fight club is, you don't talk about fight club, so, hear endeth this blog post!
Only joking.
In fact, not talking about fight club is the last thing you should do, because like the film, this book is great.
I don't know about any hidden meaning, and I certainly don't intend to psychoanalyse this book, (that's not the purpose of this blog), so if that's what you're after, sorry to disappoint, but what I will say is that this is a damned good yarn, about characters that will take a while to leave you, and whose impact on the world of film and hopefully literature, has had, a profound effect.
If you've seen the film, then you'll know the twist, but even armed with that knowledge, you still need to read this book.
Marla Singer is so tragically cool, and the narrator, (Tyler Durden's softer side, for want of a better expression), is in an almost constant battle over his appearance and work ethic with his boss, that culminates in an excellent scene that surpassing anything Hollywood could do, and makes you wonder what would happen if you decided to do the same, the next time you went to work!!!
I love the way this book builds and how the narrator becomes evermore trapped in a world that he and Tyler created, the pressures of being homeless - his apartment explodes early in the book, and destroys everything he owns - from work, from the police, and then, there's Marla Singer, Robert Paulson, testicular cancer, death, and a whole lot more.
Suffice to say, I liked this book, it's short, so there's no excuse not to get yourselves a copy, and it deserves a solid four stars.
Inspiration for the day: Do something different. Don't get a coffee from there, go to an independent, don't get in the car, walk, don't shout at the idiot who almost crashed into you, but cast your mind back to when you almost did the same. Cancel Facebook, even if it's just for a day, don't look at your mobile when it rings, phone someone instead of texting them, bring back randomness, and if that's not a real word, who cares, and don't, what ever you do, ever, talk about fight club!

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