Monday, 1 December 2014

Does size matter?

I've read a silly amount of books this year and I'm not finished yet. I reckon, that by the end of 2014 I will have read about twenty five books, ranging in genres from horror and romance, through crime, classic and war. I've read fiction and non fiction, new authors and tried a tested ones, stand alone books and series, but does size matter?
Justin Cronin's 'The Passage' is sublime as is Marcus Zusak's 'The Book Thief' and both are long, compared to 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' which is fabulous, and 'Fahrenheit 451' which is both strange and compelling in equal measure, especially with Sam Weber's accompanied artwork in the Folio edition, and both these books are under two hundred pages. 
This year aside, I've read Stephen King's 'The Stand', which, at just over fourteen hundred pages, is the longest book I have ever read. 
'It' and 'The Lord of the Rings' both top a thousand pages and on the opposite end of the scale, H.G.Wells' 'War of the Worlds, and Richard Matherson's, 'I am Legend' which are up there in my top ten all time favourites, only support a few hundred pages between them. 
So I suppose I've answered my own question then.
Size does matter.
It matter in as much as a book can be short, long or anywhere in between, but as long as it is the right length to tell the story, it's going to be just fine. 
Inspiration for the day goes to all those editors out there who manipulate the books we read so they are, just the right length. 

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