Sunday 19 May 2019

Before Her Eyes, book review. (Jack Jordan)

There's a quote on the cover of this book that reads, 'I couldn't turn the pages fast enough,' which I agree with, but not in the way you might think.
A lot of people have read this book if Goodreads is to be believed, (There were 167 reviews when I last looked, with 46% being 5 stars and 30% being 4), but I have to ask - WHAT WERE THEY READING?
The idea that a blind woman could do the things Naomi (the main character) does, being a waitress, for example, is far-fetched, (to add context, I did think her having mapped out in her head the town she's lived in all her life, believable), but believing that she could escape a killer who had just slashed another woman's throat close enough for her to feel the blood splatter across her face, wasn't.
To make matters worse the police arrest Niomi on suspicion of murder, (there have been two and one attempted), and believe that she also tried to kill her own guide dog.
Then there are the coincidences: Naomi walks down an unfamiliar alleyway where the murderer happens to be slicing up victim number two. Later in the book she walks down the same road at the same time on the same day as the funeral procession of one of her alleged victims - this happens after she's been arrested and bailed so everyone thinks she's involved - and then things get even worse.
When a book is fast-paced you whizz through it and don't always see the end coming, (I admit, I got the murderer wrong), and you let a few things slide, but I couldn't with this one, the writing was just so bad, to the point where I wondered if it had been edited - I was reading the Kindle edition which doesn't always help.
It was repetitive too: a police officer finds blood on the carpet and a few paragraphs later we're told the same again. Naomi is confronted in the street by one of the victim's fathers who asks her 'why her being alive is fair' and then asks the same thing again a few sentences later. Then, my pet hate: hearts pounding against ribs and breaths wheezing in and out of lungs as if they can pound and wheeze somewhere else. URG!!!!
At one point Naomi had, 'Tubes slithered in and out of her', whatever that’s supposed to mean and is locked in a prison cell, in a police station?
I could go on but I think I've said enough. I rarely write about books that I don't like because I prefer to be positive, but sometimes the reader needs to know what they're letting themselves in for.
Only one star for Before Her Eyes then. Sadly disappointing.

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